Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Basic Pavement Markings

I've asked so many of my friends and relatives and even my personal drivers if they know the significance and meaning of those "Paint" on the roads. And surprisingly they don't. I as I observed the driving habits of most drivers in the city, I can say they don’t also. They don't even know what they are called.  Even I don't know what's the Filipino term for these
markings. In English these are called pavement markings. These are Lines, symbols or words that are painted on the road to help and guide drivers with traffic flows. 

These pavement markings are as important as those with traffic signs and signals. Different types of lines and colors differ in meaning and must be followed to ensure safety of both pedestrians and drivers.

Yellow Lane Lines
Yellow lane lines separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

Single Broken Yellow Line
A broken yellow line separates lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. You may cross this line when you want to pass a vehicle in front of you. You may cross this line temporarily when it is safe to do so.

Double Yellow Lines: One Solid, One Broken 
One-solid-one-broken combination keeps opposing lanes of traffic separated. If the solid yellow line is closer to you, you may not cross the double yellow line. But if the broken line is closer to you, you may cross the line only to pass another vehicle and only when it is safe to do so. 

Double Yellow Lines
Double solid yellow lines prohibit vehicles moving in either direction from crossing the lines. You may not cross these lines unless turning left when it is safe to do so.

White Lane Lines
White lane lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Single white lines may also mark the right edge of the pavement.

Broken White Line
A broken white line separates two lanes traveling in the same direction. You are allowed to cross this line. Remember to use your signals and avoid swerving when changing lanes.

Solid White Line
A solid white line marks the right edge of the roadway or separates lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. You may not cross this line unless to avoid accidents.

Double Solid White Line
A double sold white line separates two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Crossing a double solid line is prohibited.

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